Placement Guarantee Program
Learn from our top instructors and get a Guaranteed Placement
Getting Started
Terms & Conditions
[LIVE CLASS] - Orientation
[LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-1)
[LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-2)
[LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-3)
[LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to HTML
[SELF STUDY] - Special Characters
[LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to CSS
[SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-1]
[SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-2]
[SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-3]
[LIVE CLASS] - Flex and Grids
[SELF STUDY] - CSS Variables
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 1
[SELF STUDY] - Basics of CSS Animations
[LIVE CLASS] - Responsive Design
[LIVE CLASS] - Tailwind CSS
[SELF STUDY] - Learn how to deploy your projects
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 1 - Solution
[LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to JavaScript (Part-1)
[LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to JavaScript (Part-2)
[SELF STUDY] - Conditionals and Loops
[LIVE CLASS] - Functions, Hoisting, Parameterized functions, Nested functions, Callback syntax
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 2
[LIVE CLASS] - Arrays, Array methods, Strings methods
[LIVE CLASS] - Objects and Events
[SELF STUDY] - Let, var and cons
[LIVE CLASS] - Understanding DOM
[LIVE CLASS] - Closures
[LIVE CLASS] - Callbacks, Callback hell
[SELF STUDY] - Prototypes (Part-1)
[SELF STUDY] - Prototypes (Part-2)
[SELF STUDY] - jQuery
[LIVE CLASS] - Intro to Constructor
[LIVE CLASS] - Promises
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 3
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 3 Submission Link
[PROJECT] - Micro Project 3 - Solution
[LIVE CLASS] - Async, Await
[PROJECT] - JavaScript Module Test
[PROJECT] - JavaScript Module Test - Solution Explanation [PART-1]
[PROJECT] - JavaScript Module Test - Solution Explanation [PART-2]
[LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to React
[LIVE CLASS] - Displaying Data, Adding Styles, Conditional Rendering, Rendering Lists, Fragments
[SELF STUDY] - Maps and Arrays
[LIVE CLASS] - Props, Re-usable components using props, States intro using hooks, Event Handlin
[LIVE CLASS] - Forms (Controlled Components), Validations, Async state updates
[SELF STUDY] - Class Components
[LIVE CLASS] - Component Life cycle and methods (useEffect), Sharing data b/w components, HOC
[SELF STUDY] - Uncontrolled Components
[SELF STUDY] - Lifecycle methods
[LIVE CLASS] - Working with npm packages, React router w/ project
[LIVE CLASS] - Hooks, Redux, React Redux Intro - Part 1
[LIVE CLASS] - Hooks, Redux, React Redux Intro - Part 2
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-1]
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-2]
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-3]
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-4]
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-5]
[PROJECT] React Capstone Project [Part-6]
[PROJECT] - React Module Test
[LIVE CLASS] - Node intro, NPM
[SELF STUDY] - Express
[LIVE CLASS] - Basic Express Server, Middlewares
[SELF STUDY] - Express Contd.
[LIVE CLASS] - EJS View engine, Routing params
[SELF STUDY] - Databases
[LIVE CLASS] - MongoDB intro, Mongo Atlas, Mongoose intro
[LIVE CLASS] - Mongoose - schemas, methods, REST API
[SELF STUDY] - Deployment
[LIVE CLASS] - Express server project with React FE (Part-1)
[LIVE CLASS] - Express server project with React FE (Part-2)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-1)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-2)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-3)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-4)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-5)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-6)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-7)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-8)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-9)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-10)
[PROJECT] - Backend Capstone Project (Part-11)
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 1
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 2
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 3
[PROJECT] - Final Evaluation Test - 1
[PROJECT] - Final Evaluation Test - 1
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 4
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 5
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 6
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 7
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 8
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 9
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 10
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 11
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 12
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 13
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 14
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 15
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 16
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 17
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 18
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 19
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 20
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 21
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 22
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 23
[PROJECT] - Final Evaluation Test - 2
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 24
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 25
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 26
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 27
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 28
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 29
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 30
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 31
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 32
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 33
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 34
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 35
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 36
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 37
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 38
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 39
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 40
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 41
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 42
[LIVE CLASS] - DSA Lesson 43
[PROJECT] - Final Evaluation Test - 3
[PROJECT] - Final Evaluation Test - 3