Course curriculum

    1. Getting Started

    2. Terms & Conditions

    3. [LIVE CLASS] - Orientation

    4. [LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-1)

    5. [LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-2)

    6. [LIVE CLASS] - Programming Basics (Part-3)

    7. [LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to HTML

    8. [SELF STUDY] - More on HTML

    9. [LIVE CLASS] - HTML Forms

    10. [SELF STUDY] - Special Characters

    11. [LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to CSS

    12. [SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-1]

    13. [SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-2]

    14. [SELF STUDY] - Styling with CSS [Part-3]

    15. [LIVE CLASS] - Flex and Grids

    16. [SELF STUDY] - CSS Variables

    17. [PROJECT] - Micro Project 1

    18. [SELF STUDY] - Basics of CSS Animations

    19. [LIVE CLASS] - Responsive Design

    20. [LIVE CLASS] - Tailwind CSS

    21. [SELF STUDY] - Git

    22. [SELF STUDY] - Learn how to deploy your projects

    23. [PROJECT] - Micro Project 1 - Solution

    24. [LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to JavaScript (Part-1)

    25. [LIVE CLASS] - Introduction to JavaScript (Part-2)

    26. [SELF STUDY] - Conditionals and Loops

    27. [LIVE CLASS] - Functions, Hoisting, Parameterized functions, Nested functions, Callback syntax

    28. [PROJECT] - Micro Project 2

    29. [LIVE CLASS] - Arrays, Array methods, Strings methods

    30. [LIVE CLASS] - Objects and Events

    31. [SELF STUDY] - Let, var and cons

    32. [LIVE CLASS] - Understanding DOM

    33. [LIVE CLASS] - Closures

    34. [PROJECT] - Micro Project 3

    35. [LIVE CLASS] - Callbacks, Callback hell


    37. [SELF STUDY] - Prototypes (Part-1)

    38. [SELF STUDY] - Prototypes (Part-2)

    39. [SELF STUDY] - jQuery

    40. [LIVE CLASS] - Intro to Constructor

About this course

  • Free
  • 40 lessons

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